Do DreamFilters systems remove healthy minerals from water?
The water obtained during treatment in DreamFilters systems is full of organic minerals thanks to remineralisation at its final stages. It is important to know that minerals are divided into organic and non-organic.

The reverse osmosis process we use in DreamFilters systems will indeed remove all impurities and minerals from your water.

However, we are convinced that nowadays the risk of harmful contaminants entering the body is incomparably higher than the benefits of absorbing minerals from tap water, which are mostly non-organic, which means unabsorbable by the human body!

We attach great importance to the initial purification of the water and then add only this what our body needs.

Today we know for sure that pure water is absorbent and tends to saturate.
Therefore, with Refil modules complemented by precious rocks that were formed millions of years ago and still remember our pollution-free planet, we are guaranteed vital, healthy water.
Thanks to stones such as rock crystal, amethyst, pink quartz, shungite, and many others, we enrich our water with minerals from the safest and most pristine source!

Today we know for sure that pure water is absorbent and tends to saturate. Therefore, with Refil modules complemented by precious rocks that were formed millions of years ago and still remember our pollution-free planet, we are guaranteed vital, healthy water. Thanks to stones such as rock crystal, amethyst, pink quartz, shungite, and many others, we enrich our water with minerals from the safest and most pristine source!
What is PPM and what is it measured with?
The PPM value (Parts per million) is measured with a TDS (Total dissolved solids) device, which measures the sum of dissolved substances in water such as salts, metals or minerals.

The measured value does not indicate which substances are dissolved in the water but only their amount. The TDS meter uses electrical conductivity to estimate the amount of foreign solids dissolved in the water.

Pure water practically does not conduct electricity. As the amount of dissolved substances increases, we have more ions in the water. Therefore the more free cations and anions in the water, the better it conducts electricity.
On the basis of this dependence we can calculate with a certain approximation the amount of dissolved salts.
The TDS meter converts the conductivity of the water into the amount of dissolved substances and gives the result in PPM.


The PPM (Parts per million) result means that with a value of e.g: 200 PPM, for every one million water molecules there are approximately 200 molecules of dissolved solids.
Why does the PPM value of water after filtration vary and what does it depend on?
The PPM value is variable and depends on many factors, for example
* the deposits found in the remineralising module as well as the precious stones in the Refil energiser.
They increase the ppm value, enriching the water with the necessary minerals.
* the feed water temperature. The lower the feed water temperature, the lower the ppm value and vice versa.
* the feed water pressure. The lower the water pressure, the higher the PPM value.
* frequency of use of the system. Reverse osmosis membranes work better if they are used frequently.

*NOTE - After several weeks of using the system, the PPM values are noticeably better than when compared to the values after initial start-up. After a few weeks of using the system, shorter running times of the treatment plant will result in even better pure water values.
What if the system produces more or less Permeate when comparing with equipment technical specifications?
* The amount of osmotic water produced (l / min) depends on:
- the feed water temperature - the lower the feed water temperature, the lower the osmotic water production.
- feed water pressure - The lower the water pressure, the lower the osmotic water production.
- the quality of the feed water.

*NOTE - Optimum conditions for the system to operate are 3.5 to 4.5 bar, approximately 23°C and no more than 200 ppm when it comes to DreamFilters treatment plant feed water.
What does the E1 error mean?
The system error E1 is an information about missing or insufficient water supply in the DreamFilters treatment station. Depending on the DreamFilters model, the minimum feed water pressure is between 2 and 3 bar. In this case it would be necessary to diagnose the problem of lack of water and take the following steps:

* check if the main water valve is fully open.
* check if the hose which is connected to the water inflow inlet has not been kinked.
* check the HYDRO-STOPPER position of the valve which has probably closed the water inflow.

*NOTE - If the valve lever is in position B (i.e. the lever is bent away from the valve) it means that the valve has closed the water supply. You should set the lever in position A in which it is adjacent to the valve.

* Check if the sieve of the HYDRO-STOPPER valve is not clogged with dirt from the pipes.

* Turn the system off and on for another start-up attempt.

If your efforts have not led to the desired result, please contact us for further instructions.
What does the E3 Error mean?
Error E3 is the consequence of error E1. It informs the user that the system has been without feed water for at least 5 minutes.
After a 5-minute unsuccessful wait for pipe water supply, the system puts the relevant components into a sleep state for protective purposes. Diagnose the water shortage problem by following the steps outlined during problem E1. If you have succeeded in getting water back into the system, press the restart button displayed on the filter machine screen.
What does the E2 error mean?
Error E2 only appears if you want to change the filters at the wrong time. The system blocks this possibility until this replacement is necessary. By monitoring the filtering processes, the system calculates and makes maintenance operations possible to perform at the appropriate time.
What if the DreamFilters treatment system produces too little purified water?
Less water flowing out of the system does not necessarily mean there is a problem.
If you have an Aqua Home or Aqua Business model that has a water storage tank, you may notice that the amount of water produced per minute displayed on the screen of the machine is lower or decreasing when you fill the tank.
This is because the tank creates back pressure.

Further factors that may influence reduced water production are:

* Low feed water temperature. The lower the feed water temperature is, the smaller the amount of filtered water will be.
* Too many machines are drawing water from the system at the same time.
*Too much distance and level difference between the tap and the machine.

* Insufficient feed water pressure. The minimum supply water pressure should be between 2 and 3 bar.

What should you check?
- Open the cover under which the initial filters are located and check the feed water pressure on the manometer with a scale from 1 to 10 bar.
- then check the value on the manometer with the scale from 1 to 5 bar. If the value on the manometer is between 0 and 0.5, the filters are partially clogged and must be replaced.
- Check if the main water valve is fully open.

- Check if the hose which is connected to the water inflow has not been kinked.
- Check if the screen of the HYDRO-STOPPER valve is not clogged with impurities from the pipes.

*NOTE - We only measure the amount of water produced when the tank is full and the devices connected to it are not drawing water at the moment or are switched off (applies to Aqua Home and Aqua Business models).

If your efforts have not produced the desired result, please contact us for further instructions.
What if the system works but seems noisier than usual?
This may mean that too little water is feeding the filter machine, resulting in louder pumps.

The following aspects should be checked:

* The minimum feed water pressure should be between 2 and 3 bar.

- Open the cover under which the preliminary filters are located and check the value of the feed water pressure on the manometer with a scale of 1 to 10 bar.
- Then check the value on the manometer with a scale from 1 to 5 bar. If the value on the manometer is between 0 and 0.5, the filters are partially clogged and must be replaced.
- Check if the main water valve is fully open.
- Check if the hose which is connected to the water inflow has not been kinked.
- Check if the sieve of the HYDRO-STOPPER valve is not clogged with impurities from the pipes.

If your efforts have not produced the desired result, please contact us for further instructions.
What if the system reports the E1 error after replacement of the filters?
System Error E1 is an indication that there is no or insufficient water supplying the DreamFilters treatment plant. In this case, diagnose the water shortage problem and take the following steps:

* Check if the main water valve is open.
* Check if the hose which is connected to the water inlet is not kinked.
* If you disconnected all the hoses while changing the filters, check that they are correctly reconnected.
* Check the HYDRO-STOPPER position of the valve that may have closed the water inflow.

*NOTE- If the lever of the valve is in position B (i.e. the lever is leaning against the valve) it means that the valve has closed the water supply. You should set the lever in position A in which the lever is adjacent to the valve.

* Turn the system off and on for another start-up attempt.

If your efforts have not produced the desired result, please contact us for further instructions.
Why does the system start and stop from time to time, even though no water is being drawn?
If the system starts for a short time and then stops again this is a sign of a minimum pressure drop in the system, or a mismatched *SystemAdapt settings on the Aqua Home or Aqua Business models.

This can also mean that in the case of the Aqua Home and Aqua Business models, the system refills the water in the tank.
If you are sure that none of the appliances connected to the system is running at the moment and drawing water from the tank, it would be advisable to check carefully that the spout is properly closed. Even the slightest deflection of the spout handle can cause the system to activate for several seconds.

If you are sure that the tap handle is closed, check the system for leaks. Check if any leakage can be observed around the system or the equipment that the system supplies water to.

*SystemAdapt - is a set of settings that allows you to match the operation of the DreamFilters treatment system with other devices supplied with clean water. SystemAdapt is available in the Aqua Business and Aqua Home models.

If your efforts have not produced the desired result, please contact us for further instructions.
Why does the water in a glass have a milky shade immediately after being poured, but turns clear after a short while?
This is not a defect! These are the oxygen and hydrogen bubbles that can form during reverse osmosis. This is also a sign of excellent filtration.
Why does water flow into the drain when the tap is closed?
This is not an error! The system is on a cleaning programme so that it can once again achieve optimum drinking water quality at the next water intake.
What does the value shown on a manometer with a scale of 1-10 bar mean?
By removing the cover under which the Refil filters are located we find 2 manometers. The manometer with a scale of 1-10 represents the value in bar corresponding to the pressure of the water supplying the DreamFilters treatment system.
What does the value shown on a manometer with a scale of 1-5 bar mean?
By removing the cover under which the Refil filters are located we find 2 manometers. The manometer with a scale of 1- 5 shows the value in bar corresponding to the pressure of the feed water already after the pre-filters. With this simple application we can more easily see the degree of contamination and the flow rate of the pre-filters.
When replacing the Refil filters, is the stainless steel body the same one I sent when replacing the filters earlier ?
Yes, of course! For the owner of one of the DreamFilters systems, 2 sets of Refil filters are provided, alternately refilled. The stainless steel Refil bodies are ultrasonically cleaned at 70°C, then disinfected and prepared for refilling.
Can I buy an extra set of filters for the following year?
Yes, you can purchase a set of filters for the following year, but this is not recommended as you will always receive freshly filled filter elements when you replace them each year. In addition, the Refil filters carry a deposit of 99 euros.
Do I have to pay shipping costs while returning my Refil filters?
You will receive a prepaid return label with your ordered set of filters for annual maintenance. The used Refil filters should be emptied of water and put in the same box. Please stick on the return label and then deliver it to the nearest post office.
Am I liable to additional costs if I do not return the Refil filters?
Unfortunately, if the Refil stainless steel filters are not returned, the user may incur costs of €99 called a deposit included in the purchase contract.
What if small particles can be seen on the surface of the water in the glass after the initial start-up of the system or after changing the filters.
When you first start the system or after replacement, you should let the water run down the sink for the first 3 minutes to pre-rinse the Refil line filters.
Why doesn't the system send reminders via SMS about necessary filter replacements?
If you have not received an SMS confirming communications after entering your user number, please follow the following steps:

*Check the user number you have entered. The number may contain an error or is not active.

* The aerial or machine position is not appropriate. Check the position of the machine or the position of the aerial.
If possible, extend the aerial to catch the signal area.

*Check if the aerial is properly screwed into the socket located on the rear cover of the machine.

*Perform connection test. Menu-> Settings-> More-> PUSH Notification-> Connection test.
Check if the number that appears above the "call test" button is correct. The phone with the above number should be connected. Then press the call test button. At this point, the system attempts to establish a connection with the user's phone.

*NOTE - In exceptional cases, the waiting time for an SMS can be as long as 15 minutes. After a successful connection the user receives an SMS confirming readiness to work.

If your efforts have not produced the desired result, please contact us for further instructions.
Does the SMS notification option generate additional costs during use?
No. The cost of the SMS option when purchasing the system in the configurator is one-time and does not generate additional costs during use.
Is it possible to buy an SMS notification system for the DreamFilters treatment plant at any time of use?
Yes, the SMS notification option can be purchased at any time, but this involves sending the system to a service centre to have an additional module built in. Therefore, it is worth considering the advantages of having the SMS option just before purchasing the DreamFilters plant.
Does the SMS notification system work if the guarantee is lost?
SMS notification is closely linked to the systematicity of filter changes.
If the user ceases to perform maintenance within the prescribed time, the SMS notification system will be automatically deactivated.

*NOTE: Each annual filter replacement reactivates the SMS notification system.
In which language do text messages appear on the user's phone?
The SMS option is currently provided in English for all users in Europe.
Are Refil filters also available in any other country?
Due to the considerable difficulties associated with shipping abroad, only hermetically packed minerals are sent for replacement.
It is also possible to exchange the Refil modules, but this is subject to additional costs.
OEM? Is it possible for a wholesale customer to sell DreamFilters products under his own brand name?
Yes, it is possible! Every interested entrepreneur who wants to sell DreamFilters treatment systems under his own brand name has such a possibility by contacting the manufacturer by filling in the form on the website. Each agreement between the manufacturer and the interested party is individually customised for the customer.
xx. Why the 0.3 cents per litre ?
If we take the average price of tap water and sewage in Berlin as an example, the cost of producing one litre of crystal clear water is about 0.003€ or 0.3 cents!
For comparison, the cost of mineral water in a shop ranges from about 19-50 cents per litre!
* Did you know that producing 15,000 litres of crystal clear water with DreamFilters treatment plants only costs about 45 €!
Buying this amount of bottled water can cost up to 7500 €!
How much water do DreamFilters systems use to produce one litre of pure water?
DreamFilters treatment plants are characterised by high efficiency during the production of pure water, with a record ratio of pure water to reject water.

In the case of DreamFilters treatment plants, the ratio is 1: 0.7.
This means that for every litre of pure water produced, there is 0.7 litres of rejection into the sewage system. This result saves up to 74% of water consumption compared to other brands of systems.

*NOTE - DreamFilters systems use approximately 1.7 litres of tap water to produce 1 litre of pure water, whereas other brands can use up to 7 litres!
Can DreamFilters systems filter water with hardness above 14 dH°?
Hard water is the bane of all water powered appliances. Indeed, DreamFilters does not stipulate that treatment plants shall filter water with a high water hardness of more than 14 dH°, but this is not prohibited.

For customers whose tap water exceeds the recommended limit, DreamFilters has provided an additional preliminary filter with a zeolite deposit to help soften the water before it reaches the system components.

While purchasing one of the stations, the user has the option to buy the aforementioned module in the configurator.

*NOTE - DreamFilters treatment plants used to filter water considered hard, may require more frequent maintenance services in the form of the replacement of preliminary filters.

May the use of DreamFilters systems for filtration of too hard water lead to a loss of warranty?
In extreme cases the warranty may be lost, but this only happens when the conditions under which the treatment plant can filter the water have clearly been exceeded.

Relax! DreamFilters meets the difficult situation of users and recommends the use of an additional pre-filter with a zeolite deposit, which significantly helps to extend the life of the system. Thanks to this solution DreamFilters allows filtration in difficult conditions, honouring the warranty of your water treatment plant.

You will never walk alone! In extreme cases, our specialist advisers will offer a personalised, free-of-charge consultation to each user in order to find a way out of the situation and bring the system up to optimum performance.

No tap water for no reason?
It is very likely that for the lack of water from the spout is responsible one of the user notification systems for upcoming maintenance service, which stops the machine 30 days or 2000 and 1000 litres before the filter replacement due date.

Thanks to PUSH Notification, a message appeared on the machine's screen telling you to stock up on replacement filters so that they can be replaced in good time. In this case, simply confirm the message and continue to enjoy crystal clear water.
I have passed the filter replacement date, what next?
Exceeding the replacement date is never a good thing, but it does not lead to an immediate loss of warranty. Once the replacement date has been exceeded, the system displays on the screen the number of days or litres that have been made available to the user as a reserve to procure a set of replacement filters.
By confirming the message, a phone number as well as a QR code will appear on the screen so that the filters can be ordered.

*TIP - By scanning the QR code from the machine screen, the user is redirected to a shop where they can purchase a replacement filter set compatible with their treatment plant.

*ATTENTION - If the user does not replace the filters by the end of the reserve time, the system will block the water quality for safety reasons and to protect the components. From this point on, water filtration will not be possible!
What does it mean that the system has been blocked?
The system has been blocked due to failure to carry out maintenance service, i.e. filter replacement, within the specified time. A set of replacement filters should be stocked immediately.

It is also possible to get rid of the blockage by selecting the "Unblock" option, but this is associated with immediate loss of warranty! DreamFilters definitely does not recommend this solution, but leaves the user the choice.

*TIP- By scanning the QR code from the machine screen, the user is redirected to a shop where they can purchase a replacement filter set compatible with their treatment plant.

*IMPORTANT- In case the system has been blocked, water intake is not possible.
Where can I find the replacement code?
When you purchase replacement filters, the system generates two personalised codes which you can find on your receipt. The code must be entered in the field designated for this purpose when replacing the filters. If for some reason the receipt with the codes is lost, please contact the manufacturer.

* IMPORTANT- Take care to enter the code correctly when replacing. Entering an incorrect code may lead to loss of warranty.
What if I select the UNLOCK option?
By using the "unblock" option, water will flow from the tap again even though maintenance has not been performed.
DreamFilters does not recommend choosing the "unblock" option as this is equivalent to voiding the warranty. The manufacturer is not responsible for the quality of the water or the lifetime of the system after unblocking.

2. 2.Descaling systems

How the technology works ?
The Impulse series devices are a modern system that converts calcium bicarbonate Ca(HCO3)2 into aragonite single crystals.

The resulting calcium carbonate in the form of a single crystal loses its ability to adhere to surfaces.

The technology provided by DreamFilters is based on capacitive electromagnetic impulses and does not use any salts or chemicals.

Among the devices supplied, we have the only systems on the market that send powerful, stable impulses from the generator, which guarantees the transformation of calcium bicarbonates into harmless CaCO3 (aragonite) embryos. In this form, it is no longer possible for hard scale deposits to form in the form of calcite.
What effects will I get after installing the device?
Unique impulse technology produces excellent results. Our company's devices generate impulses that, depending on the series, create an electrostatic, electromagnetic, or both fields simultaneously. The generated field interacts with the bicarbonate structure, disrupting its equilibrium.

The whole process is described by a simple formula:
Ca(HCO3)2 + IMPULSE -> CaCO3 (monocrystal) + H2O + CO2

Calcium and magnesium bicarbonates in the form of monocrystals are completely passive, which means they lose their ability to precipitate and therefore build up permanent structures.

Monocrystal CaCO3 is completely washed out of the water system. Additionally, the released carbon dioxide reacts with existing mineral deposits, which are also removed. IMPULSE devices also protect copper and steel installations from corrosion (rusting).

As you can see, there are no specific components for removing calcium compounds. This is a completely safe and natural method. There is no magic here! You can only observe the effects of pure physics and chemistry.

3. 3.Ambassador

What is the condition to become a DreamFilters Ambassador?
There is only one condition to become an ambassador of the DreamFilters brand.
We know from experience that the best ambassadors are the owners of DreamFilters water treatment plants. It is the users who, while using the system on a daily basis, experience the benefits of owning one of the Aqua systems and pass the knowledge on, recruiting new supporters of drinking fresh, crystal-clear water.
Everyone who owns an Aqua system from DreamFilters becomes an ambassador.
What are the costs associated with being a DreamFilters ambassador?
There are no additional costs or obligations by virtue of being an ambassador. Being a member of the DreamFilters family does not include any licensing fees, memberships or any binding agreements - there are only privileges and real money!
Additionally, all downloads provided in the customer panel are free of charge.
How can I earn money while already being a DreamFilters ambassador?
Nothing could be easier!

Every DreamFilters ambassador receives their own unique customer number when purchasing one of our water treatment systems.

This number should then be entered by the person encouraged to purchase one of the Aqua Systems in the appropriate field when completing the webshop transaction.

*NOTE: When a new customer enters their ambassador number, they receive a €50 discount on the purchase of one of the Aqua stations and the ambassador account will receive a €100 or €200 bonus for a successful transaction, depending on the model purchased.
When can funds from the balance be used?
The funds collected by the ambassador can be used after a period in which the new customer has time to return the purchased goods, if any. The customer has up to 14 days to return the goods without giving a reason. If the customer returns the goods, the funds in the ambassador's account will be deducted.
How do I withdraw funds from my ambassador account?
The funds accumulated in the customer panel can be used for purchases in the online shop or withdrawn to the user's private account by sending a request for a bank transfer or withdrawal via PayPal platform.

If you have not found the solution to your problem here,
please contact us via our contact form.