a product card

Descaling systems IMPULS ECO 25 up to 1″ / 25mm
No salt or chemicals required Low operational costs Easy assembly Maintenance free Eco-friendly
439,00 € inkl. MwSt
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Get rid of the limescale problem once and for all!
The unique pulsed-power technology delivers outstanding results!
Our devices generate pulses that create an electrostatic or electromagnetic field or both, depending on the series.
The generated field influences the structure of bicarbonate and disturbs its equilibrium.
Due to the field generated by pulses, the structure of calcium bicarbonate crystals
changes into monocrystals and thus loses its destructive properties!
The whole process is described by a simple formula:
Ca (HCO3) 2 + IMPULS -> CaCO3 (monocrystal) + H2O + CO2
Calcium and magnesium bicarbonates in the form of monocrystals are completely passive, i.e. they lose
the ability to precipitate and thus build permanent structures. The CaCO3 as a monocrystal is completely flushed away from the water installation.
In addition, the released carbon dioxide reacts with the existing limescale deposits, which are also removed.
The pulsed-power technology produces CO2 and generates the phenomenon of electrophoresis,
building up a protective layer to protect against corrosion.
As you have probably noticed, there are no special ingredients here to remove calcium compounds.
It is an absolutely safe and natural method. It is not magic! You can only see the effects of pure physics and chemistry.
Lime is the silent killer of heating systems and household appliances.
Lime (scale)- that is, a sedimentary layer of calcium (CaCO3) and magnesium (MgCO3) carbonates, causes heat energy losses
by reducing the efficiency of boilers and heat exchangers. This can lead to local overcooling (or overheating),
reduction of the pipe cross- section and even loss of flow. This results in equipment failures, pressure drops, pump failures, etc.
Lime is the "perfect insulator". Limescale embedded in a heating system or boiler requires the use of more energy to heat water, or to heat the house.
Limescale settles on the inside walls of boilers, kettles, pots, water heating elements (e.g. on the surface of electric heaters)
and in systems with hot steam. Hard water can cause various malfunctions in electrical appliances, e.g. washing machine, kettle, coffee machine, etc.
*Did you know that each millimetre-thick layer of limescale deposited on the stove, or on the inner wall of the radiator,
accounts for about 15 % of the additional heat loss!
Problems in an installation with limescale deposits lead to costly repairs, premature wear of household appliances, increased consumption
of cleaning agents and the need to use aggressive chemicals.
For more information, see the datasheet.
Who and where can IMPULS systems be used?
In houses or flats
Don’t worry about the lime problem in your home anymore. Install the IMPULS generator, which works on all types of pipes, connect it to the power supply and ... done. From now on, your pipes and your household appliances will be safe and clean. No more limescale and corrosion problems.
For companies of all industries
It is impossible to enumerate the number of different applications for the IMPULS decalcifiers. Owners of restaurants, hotels, bars, laundries, beauty salons, dentists, etc. save drastic costs by avoiding the purchase of salt and chemicals and protecting their appliances from damage caused by hard water.
In agriculture
The system is appreciated by farmers who use drip irrigation systems for their crops in particular. Our equipment protects against damage and failure of crop irrigation.
In industry
Water installation systems consist of various materials and components such as delivery pumps, valves, flow sensors and pressure gauges. We have the most powerful generators in Europe to protect installations and expensive indoor equipment from calcification caused by hard water. In many cases, this can be combined with water treatment technology to create technologically ideal solutions.

Install the IMPULS-Genarator, which works on all types of pipes.

You do not need to hire a specialist for the installation, as intervention in the pipework is not required.

Thanks to Europe's powerful generators, we install our systems on pipes up to 3 metres in diameter!

Effective protection of household appliances and heating installations against
limescale and corrosion.
It protects heating systems and increases their efficiency.

The space required on the pipe for installation is only 200 mm. Note that standard softening systems require much more space.

The system is maintenance-free and extremely economical. The operating costs for single-family homes will not exceed
20 euros per year.
In addition, the system
protects against premature wear of household appliances, increased consumption of cleaning agents and the need
to use aggressive chemicals.